Industrial Parks, Agro-processing Zones and Urban Transformation
Xinping Wang, Southeast University, China
Sebastien Goethals, Citilinks, Belgian
When reviewing the history of development of the urban world, industrialization can be seen as an important factor in the push towards modernization and urbanization. Benefiting from the pioneering development during the Industrial Revolution, the developed countries in Europe, North America and North-East Asia have accomplished remarkable achievements in industrialization, which have led them to be more developed and leading in the modern world now. Represented by Economic & Technological Development Zones and High-Tech Industrial Development Zones, industrial parks in China have now also stimulated the rapid growth of the national economy, leading to large rises in the number of cities. Inspired by China’s development zone patterns, more and more developing countries in Africa & Asia regard industrialization as a viable national development strategy used to achieve the urbanization goals of middle-income countries and the sustainable development of the economy. In fact, the development of industrial parks including agro-processing zones in some areas of Africa and Asia have transformed these previously undeveloped countries into newly industrialized nations. However, cities faced with the development of these parks are also faced with the problems that these parks give rise to, such as various forms of pollution, urban segregation, urban expansion,enhanced consumption of energy, etc. How should industrial parks and agro-processing zones be developed in order to promote sustainable urban development? How can urban and human settlements transformation be promoted through sustainable industrialization?
Sub questions:
- How do developed countries plan on using the development of industrial parks to achieve high-quality industrial development and industrialization goals?
- What is the sustainable development path of industrial parks including agro-processing zones in developing countries that suits their national conditions?
- How should industrial parks be transformed and redeveloped to promote sustainable urbanization?
- How should China-Africa cooperation parks be planned to achieve sustainable development and help achieve the goals of poverty reduction, economic growth & urbanization in African countries?
- 发达国家是如何规划和发展产业园区以实现高质量的产业发展的?
- 发展中国家应如何选择一条适合国情的产业园区、农业加工区发展之路?
- 如何通过产业园区的转型升级和再开发,推动可持续的城镇化?
- 中非合作园区应如何规划和发展以实现园区的持续发展,并助推非洲国家实现减贫、经济增长和城镇化发展目标?